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Simultaneous interpretation happens when the interpreter translates the message from the source language to the target language in real-time, simultaneously. Therefore, the translation is instant and follows the natural flow of the speaker; the interpreter sits in a sound-proof interpreter booth and listens through earphones to the speaker’s speech. From the interpreter’s microphone, the interpretation is transmitted to the earphones of the event attendees. In this case, the interpreter is the voice of the speaker, by using speed, accuracy, listening ability and precise choice of terminology. This technique, also known as conference interpreting, is suitable for congresses, conferences, and international meetings.
I also provide Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) service, which allows for different ways of distance participation in meetings and distance interpreting with the support of local hubs specifically designed for simultaneous translation, equipped with constant technical assistance.


This is a variation of simultaneous technique, and it is defined as whispered interpreting. It happens when the interpreter sits or stands with the participants (usually a small number of people compared to the whole audience) while he/she is interpreting simultaneously directly into their ears, whispering. No equipment needed.


This is an interpreting technique which happens when the interpreter stands next to the speaker, in front of the audience. The interpreter reproduces the statement in the target language (the speaker may speak without interruption, even for five minutes) by using a special system of notes. In this case the interpreter, apart from understanding the source language, takes notes of the whole message expressed by the speaker; these notes are totally different from stenography. They are indeed symbols, abbreviations (mainly personal ones that could change according to the interpreter who is working) which are used as aid for the immediate usage, in order to provide the consecutive interpreting; on the contrary, stenography happens when each word of the speech is noted down. This is the oldest interpreting technique. Ability of summarizing, concision, excellent public speaking skills are fundamental for a successful consecutive interpreting performance.


Liaison interpreting, also known as business to business/B2B interpreting, is one of the most common forms of interpreting activity. It is used for diplomatic or other business meetings, but even in informal contexts; liaison interpreters usually interpret what is said sentence by sentence (without taking any note) which avoids the need for special equipment and reduces the burden on their memory. It is also used during guided tours or fair trades where the interpreter assists the clients for a successful negotiation.


The aim of translations is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text, without changing the meaning and the style of the text, using, if necessary, linguistic adaptation. I mainly translate web sites, reports, technical manuals. The translation fees are calculated using a predetermined number of characters (usually 1500).


Within the current scenario characterised by cultural integration and multi-ethnic societies, linguistic mediation is fundamental in many aspects of our daily life. It is innovative since it works for both linguistic and cultural mediation. It is used in many situations, ranging from dealing with foreign clients during a meeting or assisting people in public and private institutions, in vocational training centres, companies, tourist visits and other organizations in which language mediation and intercultural communication are of paramount importance.