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"...but the human voice is different from other sounds.
...even the lowest whisper can be heard over armies... when it's telling the truth..."
From the movie The Interpreter by Sidney Pollack


I am a freelance interpreter and translator.
I work as conference interpreter providing simultaneous, liaison and whispered interpreting and written translations of various texts, in Italian, English and Spanish as freelance or in collaboration with many translation agencies.

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For any information or a free quote, please contact me! Just fill the form in the section ‘CONTACTS’ and I will reply asap.

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Associazione Italiana Interpreti e Traduttori
Associate Member since 2018

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Stagiaire PVDAL section since 2021
Youth program PVDAL section since 2018

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Remote interpreter since 2019

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«Biella tra 'l monte e il verdeggiar de' piani
lieta guardante l'ubere convalle,
ch'armi ed aratri e a l'opera fumanti
camini ostenta»

(Giosuè Carducci, Rime e ritmi, 1898)


I was born and I still live in Biella, a small village located at the foot of the Alps which is characterised by a strong wool tradition. In Biella, nowadays, despite the current economic downturn, the entire wool pipeline is still present, ranging from the sorting of the fleece to the finishing operations of fabrics; places, protagonists and Biella’s craftsmanship have produced and still produce items characterised by excellence and exclusiveness which are acknowledged and appreciated worldwide. And this excellence should be transmitted, told and explained abroad. The creativity which characterises this excellence, to the point that Biella has been declared a UNESCO CREATIVE CITY in October 2019, has always fascinated me, even though many of my peers chose for a future in big cities, both close and far! For this reason, I have combined together passion and history within my degree dissertation, which is representing a useful and flexible tool for my professional activity: the glossary “Sul filo della lana – Tecniche di lavorazione e campi applicativi”, dealing with the wool industry considered as a whole, translating technical terms concerning wool processing pipeline, machinery and instrumental elements and concepts applied in this industry!

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The thesis dissertation for the Master Degree in Conference Interpreting and Translation, got in 2014 with honours, entailed the production of a glossary of terms (“Sul filo della lana – Tecniche di lavorazione e campi applicativi”). The idea of compiling it arises from the strong wool tradition connected to the city of Biella (known as the “world capital of wool”, where I was born and I still live); there is no doubt that Biella, distinguished by abundant waterways rich in particular chemical-physical characteristics ideal for the development of textile production plants, had lived and still live on and for wool production.

In Biella, nowadays, despite the current economic downturn, the entire wool pipeline is still present, ranging from the sorting of the fleece to the finishing operations of fabrics; places, protagonists and Biella’s craftsmanship have produced and still produce items characterised by excellence and exclusiveness which are acknowledged and appreciated worldwide. And this excellence should be transmitted, told and explained abroad.

Since I grew up and I still live here in Biella, I had the opportunity to get in contact with people who work in this sector, to learn about the complexity of this world and its countless nuances and to get familiar with the passion through which operators describe the long and diversified process to achieve the end product. For this reason, this glossary (made up of 205 entries concerning the wool-making processes and their applications) represents a useful and flexible tool for my professional activity, but also something useful to work in the textile industry in situations such as exhibitions or negotiations.

The glossary is made up of 205 entries concerning the wool-making processes and their applications, which is the domain of the glossary, divided into 4 sub-domains plus an attachment:

1. Wool processing pipeline, which means all the techniques that convert raw material into end products, through various treatments.
2. Machinery and substances, which includes equipment and devices for carrying out the processes of wool-making and substances employed to create particular effects or to achieve special results.
3. Raw material – fibre morphology and properties, which analyses the structure of raw material highlighting the properties linked to the different components which form the wool fibre.
4. Instrumental elements and concepts, where are gathered words that appear frequently, due to the wide use of wool in different fields because of its peculiarities.
5. Preparation of colour cards; this last section consists of an attachment, comprising 22 entries regarding the conception and creation of textile collections, samples and colours cards.