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Hi, I’m Caterina Ramella Gal

My name is Caterina Ramella Gal, I am 33 years old and I live in Biella. I love ballet, I am scout leader, I like reading and travelling and discovering new and different places.

During my studies, I discovered and appreciated the study of foreign languages as a vehicle to create relation. This is exactly what I’ve been fascinated by: relationship. My real passion has always been the contact with people, those people that don’t look like me that much, people living totally different situations compared to mine and speak different languages. Therefore, among various courses, I had the opportunity to study for a couple of months in Spain, in the UK and to travel to Tanzania, where I taught English in an orphanage within a mission of Rosminian sisters.

I’ve been asked to myself what merit could have an interpreter able to identify himself or herself with the situation, able to live it and then to boost trust in who is listening and/or speaking; this is what I am working for, it is who I would like to became: an interpreter that deserve confidence. I think that being interpreter, especially in simultaneous translations, is very difficult, but it could be even more difficult without passion.

Only think of how fundamental his/her role could be, how a situation could change if it’s just “translated” and not “interpreted”. There are lots of movies showing this kind of situations; one of these was particularly fascinating for me (Fail-Safe, 1964). It tells about a fatal mistake made by U.S. Intelligence (during the Cold War) concerning nuclear missile launch on Moscow. By that time, nobody could avoid the atomic catastrophe; the U.S. President asked to his interpreter to succeed in conveying to the URSS President, by a simple call, the sincerity of his feelings. No one saved, but both Russians and Americans, thanks to the efforts of the young interpreter, saved at least their dignity in front of the whole world.

This is what I dream about; this is what pushed me studying English, Spanish and partially Arabic; the opportunity to be helpful to people that cannot understand each other, that cannot “interpret” each other. So… “don’t stop me now…”! I will appreciate if you grant me a little of your confidence entrusting some tasks to me… After all, only struggling high results can be reached and these results inevitably go through small things.


Education and training

Some things about me